Wood Drying Services in LA

Urban Lumber Los Angeles specializes in providing wood drying services to the Greater LA Metropolitan area. With our state-of-the-art iDry Vacuum Kiln, we ensure that locally sourced wood is properly dried and ready for use. Whether you’ve just lost a backyard tree to a storm or disease and are looking for a way to give that wood its next life, or you’re a millwork professional wanting to dry several thousand board feet of local lumber, we are here to help.

We’re often asked, “Why should I kiln dry my lumber? Can’t I just let it air dry?”

Air drying is a traditional method of drying wood that has been used for centuries. It’s free and relatively simple, but it comes with significant drawbacks. The most notable is the time required: a general rule of thumb is that air drying takes about one year per inch of wood thickness. This slow process means that woodworkers must have ample storage space and patience to allow the wood to dry properly. Additionally, air drying does not guarantee that pests like insects and larvae, which can remain dormant in the wood for years, will be eliminated.

Kiln drying, on the other hand, offers a faster, more controlled solution. By using high temperatures and under partial vacuum, kiln drying not only dries the wood in a fraction of the time but also kills any bugs and larvae that may be lurking inside. This can result in more stable, pest-free wood, ideal for crafting furniture, flooring, and other projects. The ability to dry wood quickly also means wood can reach its final destination sooner, reducing wait times for projects. While kiln drying does require an investment, it produces a higher-quality product that is ready for use much sooner, making it a superior option for most woodworkers, hobbyists, and lumber resellers.